3/27 Surprise

         I had just turned in my Levi's Stadium permission slip when I was surprised. I was shocked to find out that if someone in our class did not bring their permission slip the whole class would not get to go on the field trip. I was so amazed because usually if someone doesn't turn in a permission slip or a form they will be the only one/ones not going, not the whole class. I learned that even if one member of the team/class forgets to do something the whole team gets in trouble and in this case cannot go on the field trip. As well as that I learned that you should help your team/classmates, if not you may all lose out on something.Ex. Lenny, Jasmine, and Barbra are doing a project together. Lenny is supposed to make the poster, Jasmine is supposed to get the supplies and Barbra is supposed to recite the presentation. The team is all doing their own thing. Lenny made the poster, Jasmine got the supplies, but Barbra forgot to practice the presentation and the whole team gets a bad grade. They should have helped each other out instead of doing their own thing, they should have communicated. 


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