
Showing posts from March, 2017

Elements On The Periodic Table 3/26/17

Image: Science Notes and Projects Summary: The number of protons determines the identity of the atom. In order to make an ion we lose or gain electrons. When atoms gain electrons they become negative ions. These are called anions. When atoms lose electrons they become positive ions. These are cations. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons. The number of neutrons determines whether the atom is stable or not. All atoms of a particular element have the same atomic number. Isotopes of the same element have different mass number. A smoke detector measures isotopes in the air to determine if there is a fire. The atomic number is how many protons there are in the atom. There are no decimals because you cannot have a part of a proton. The element symbol is normally an abbreviation of the element name. The mass number is the neutrons and protons added together. S&EP-Using Mathematics:  We completed this worksheet in which we were given some ...

Atoms, Matter and More 3/19/17

Our energy Summary: Matter is something that has mass and takes up space. This can be a solid, liquid or gas. Matter is indivisible and indestructible. All the matter in the world is only made up of about 100 different elements in various combinations. The human body is only made up of about six elements. Density is the amount of matter in a given space. Atoms are the basic build blocks of matter. Elements are pure substances, made of one atom, and are on the periodic table. Compounds are a combination of two different types of elements. A molecule is two or more of the same type of atom. A molecule can be an element or not. Atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge, and neutrons have a neutral charge. S&EP-Using Math: As we were learning about density, we had a mystery to solve. King Arthur lost his gold crown. The knights have found five,...

Green Sea Turtle Project Blog 3/12/17

Project/Image: Summary:       The main reason of endangerment to green turtles are humans. People in West Africa use it for medicine. Others harm it for its meat and eggs. In addition, they are harmed from boat propellers, and fishnets. Although accidents, the turtles get injured when people go fishing due to the hooks. As people trash beaches the population of green sea turtles decreases. This is due to the fact that they need to nest on the beach. The food source for the green sea turtle, seagrass, is a victim of coastal development. This means there is more pollution and sediment in th e water and they have to compete for food. In 2004, green sea turtles were put on the iucn red list. Even though the iucn only recognized them then, the concern of their endangerment dates back to 1940. Not only are green sea turtles used for medicine and meat, they consume seagrass and keep it healthy. By keeping the seagrass healthy other animals like fish can consume it, ...

Organism Interactions 3/5/17

Image: Green Sea Turtles Summary: There are many ways that organisms interact with each other. Predation is a win or lose interaction. One organism consumes all or a part of another organism. An example of this relationship is a pack of lions hunting a group of gazelles. Another interaction between organisms is competition. This occurs when two organisms fight for basic necessities or resources.  This is a win or lose interaction that can happen between two animal from the same species or not. An example of this interaction would be a bee and a bird fighting for a flowers pollen. Symbiosis is a close and dependent relationship between two different species. The survival of one depends on the other. Symbiosis is either mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism. Mutualism is a win, win situation where both species benefit. For instance, ants and acacia trees. The ants feed on the tree and the ants act as body guards for the tree. Commensalism is a win, okay relationship in which ...