All About Charity Fair 2016- 12/11/16


Something I learned a lot on this year compared to others was the charity statistics. Charity statistics is not only how much your charity gets in revenue, but how much the spend on awareness, the program, or the employees. For example on average our charity gives 94 cents of every dollar it makes towards the program. The 6 cents go to overhead which include administrative costs. In addition to that I now know that charities can go over their revenue that year if the have money from previous years to fall back on or use. In 2014 our charity had collected $3,716,755. The spent $3,732,410 on the program and $231,443 on other expenses. They did go over, but if you take a look at the year before that, 2013 you can see the collected $5,648,895. That year they spent $3,679,701 on the program and $210,408 on other expenses. During our annual charity fair I really got to understand how charities use their money.

  • How much did you know about the subject before we started?
I knew quite a bit about the process of charity fair because I did it both last year and the year before, but this year definitely had its differences. One thing that was different was that we all made an ignite presentation about our charity and why people should vote for it. An ignite presentation is 8 slides, 15 seconds each, that automatically change. Another thing that was done differently was we were all in mixed grade level classrooms. Each class had some eight graders, seventh graders, sixth graders, and fifth graders. The last thing that was different was how we presented our ignite presentation to the parents during the first half an hour of charity fair. This was so they could vote on which charity the money should go to. There were some differences and some similarities, but in the end I learned a lot.


  • How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I am always so happy when it is time for charity fair because it is one of my favorite projects. One thing I liked was how all our money goes to charity. Another thing that I like is how this project is more hands-on, we get to make products and show our creativity. In addition to that, we get to be business minded because we are working with money. The last thing that I really liked was how this year the charity fair project was incorporated in almost every class, in science we worked on our instructable, in history we worked on choosing and researching a charity,in ELA we worked on our ignite presentations, in math we worked on cost & profit and charity statistics, and in elective we put everything together on our trifold. It isn't particularly a dislike, but it was hard to work around all the concerns of teachers such as electrical equipment and packaging of food. I just enjoyed this project and it was a very valuable learning experience.

  • What grade would you give it? Why?
I would give my charity fair project and A. I would do this because my group and I checked our components against the rubric if one was provided. Another reason is my group and I went very out of the box with our trifold. I took the idea my partner and I used last year this year, but we took it to a new level. We had a big chocolate covered strawberry on the top of our trifold covered in glitter pipe cleaners and more. As for our presentation, we had what we needed to say memorized and our slides went hand in hand with the information being presented. The final reason is that many parents complimented us on how detailed, informative, and unique our trifold board was. Not only would I give my charity fair project an A, I am very proud of how much time and work my group and I put into it.

    • What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
    If I had the chance to redo this project I would intentionally change two things.The first thing I would do is make a different product. I would make a non-edible product. I would do this because I've noticed that over the pas three charity fairs it has become more and more like a bake sale. Almost everyone was selling edible items, and the same kind of edible items. I would make something like greeting cards or ornaments that have to do with the theme of Christmas. Another thing I would change if I did do chocolate covered strawberries is if there were white chocolate in every box. Since there were some people did not want to buy it because they did not fancy white chocolate. What we should of done is have 1/3 be all white chocolate, 1/3 be all milk chocolate, and 1/3 a mix of both.Even though there are a few things I would like to change I am very happy with how the charity fair project went this year. Mostly everything went smoothly, except transporting our board because of the height, and we sold all of our products.


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