12/12 Severe Weather Project

Summary: This week we are doing a project and I am partnered with Sydney and Jessica. We are doing a news broadcast on floods and droughts. A flood results of many days of any form of water precipitating.  A drought is formed of less rainfall and dry weather for a long period of time.

Backward-Looking : Three resources that were helpful were www.ready.gov/drought,  www.ready.gov/floods and www.weatherwizkids.com\weather-rain.htm. The website about droughts was extremely useful because many weather websites didn't talk about droughts.  I would use weather wiz kids again because it had many sub-topics on the one type of severe weather. The other website had fun facts about how to plan and prepare for the kind of severe weather which was a nice extra tip. Overall most of the resources I used this week I would like to use again.

Inward-Looking : I really am happy that we get to do a news broadcast. I am happy I get to work in a group and build my collaboration skills.It's so awesome to act like news broadcasters on set. I am enjoying making the script, it is fun to do, but we have to make sure we still get all the information in. I am glad this project is cool and I am learning at the same time. This project is really fun and I hope to do something like it again.


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