Urinary System

The function of the urinary system is to filter out urine or soluble waste from the body.

Kidneys- The kidneys remove liquid waste, urine, from the bloodstream and keep a sturdy level of salts in the blood.
Ureters- The ureters are thin tubes in which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
Bladder- The bladder stores urine until emptied through the urethra.
Urethra- Urine passes through this tube to leave the body.

The urinary system works closely with the circulatory system. Blood that travels through your bloodstream goes to the kidneys which are a part of the urinary system. Uric acid and urea are taken from the blood to be emptied out. As well as that, the urinary system has a connection with the endocrine system. The endocrine system has control over the urinary system. The endocrine system can control things such as how much you urinate depending on how much water in circulating through your body and monitors fluids. The urinary system has some connections to insure that our bodies function as we'd like.

Image result for garbage man picking up trash clipart
Cherry Hill Village HOA
The process the urinary system goes through is like a trash pickup day. The kidneys are represented as the garbage man picking up the trash, like the kidneys take the uric and urea acids from the blood. The garbage man drives the garbage to the dump area which is like when the ureter takes the urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The dump is filled with waste until time to get rid of it, just like the bladder is filled with urine. The urethra is the tube that leads the urine out of the body. This is like when the trash is taken to a larger dump or landfill, maybe even burned. This process has a striking resemblance to the urinary system.

Structure and Function(Ureters):
The ureters are two tubes in which carry urine from the kidneys into the bladder. The ureters can be anywhere from ten to twelve inches long and are on both the right and left side of the body. Smooth muscles are located around the ureters moving the urine downward into the bladder along with gravity. The ends of the ureters flow into the bladder to insure that no urine spills out. The ends are somewhat shut closed by ureterovesical valves. Without them urine has a chance of going back up the ureters and into the kidneys. The ureters may go overlooked, but their structure allows them to perform their very important function.



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