Muscular System

Haiku Deck

The function of the muscular system is to allow your body to move through your bones.

Skeletal- This is voluntary and works in pairs As well as that, it is attached to your bones. Voluntary means you decide whether it moves or not.
Cardiac- This is involuntary and found in the heart. Involuntary means it naturally occurs.
Smooth- This is involuntary and found in the stomach, veins, small and large intestines, esophagus, and bladder. As said earlier involuntary means it happens without you having to tell it to.

The muscular system interacts with the nervous system. This is because most of the time you move because you are in control. In other words, your brain, part of the nervous system can control muscle movement. There are some movements you cannot control, involuntary movements, such as the beating of your heart. Also, smooth muscles that aid the digestion process. The smooth muscles can be found in the circulatory system, too. Without the muscular system working with theses systems your body would not be able to function properly.


The muscular system reminds me of an assembly line because there are many groups and within those groups there are jobs for each person. For example, under the job of making the frame of the phone someone would make the sides, someone would add the top, and maybe a robot made the bottom. And that is another reason why assembly lines are like the muscular system. In certain companies or jobs in which employees work in an assembly line robots do some jobs. This is programmed and does not change like involuntary movement. This means that people or workers making the product would be voluntary movement.

Structure and Function (Cardiac Muscle):
The only place in the body where you can find cardiac muscle is the heart. A large chunk of the heart's mass is cardiac tissue. It's main function is to pump blood. This movement is involuntary, your brain does not tell it to happen. This muscle must be extremely strong because it continues to pump till your death. The muscle itself isn't very strong, but when they work together they can pump your blood efficiently. Cardiac muscles are shaped like tree branches because they need to be in contact with three other other cardiac muscles. All cardiac muscles are connected to form a web of muscles.


In class we traced our hand and then cut it out.  we attached a string to a finger. (when you pull the string the finger bends) We did that to show voluntary movement (skeletal).
A little fun fact, there are more than 600 muscles in your body and they all do different things.
The muscular system works with the nervous system. 


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