Fluxx Mod Project Blog: 11/19/17
Summary: Fluxx is a complex game in which the goals are rules are always changing. While creating my very own Fluxx deck my partner and I set out to use this platform to educate others about the Water Cycle. Some main concepts of we included were accumulation, condensation, evaporation, precipitation, etc. Accumulation is when water gathers in large bodies such as lakes, seas, and oceans. We should this through a goal in which you needed lake and rain because the rainwater accumulated into the lake. Precipitation is when water drops onto the earth in ways like snow, sleet, hail, and rain. We incorporated this into our Fluxx deck by having the goal of 'Package Arrived' which required hail and atmosphere because hail precipitated atmospheric water to earth. When liquid water vaporizes into a gas is known as evaporation and the goal that explained this was 'Love is in the air.' In this goal, the connection was water vapor was in the atmosph...