Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Timeless 2/5/17
Summary: Timeless, my superhero, has the powers of the immortal jellyfish. The immortal jellyfish can turn into any stage f maturity when it wishes. It does this because all its cells are like stem cells which can become any cell. For example, a nerve cell can become a skin cell. This entire unit covered genetics which is a very complex topic. DNA are made up of four letters and are the blueprint of your cells, while genes are the directions to make proteins. Chromosomes are small units that hold your genes. A trait is a characteristic and an allele is one of two or more forms of a trait. A genotype is a combination of alleles and a phenotype is the trait seen based on the genotype. A mutation is a change in genetic material and can be caused by and external or internal factor. A GMO is when DNA is added to an organism to combine species that would not naturally occur.
S&EP-Models: Going back and finishing up my superhero work that I hadn't earlier I ended up spending some time on my automata. We had many options on how we wanted our automatas to move. As for me I wanted my superhero to move side to side. You crank it from the back and as the cam moves so does the shaft. You attach a piece of cardboard to the tip of the shaft and glue a picture of your superhero onto it. This way your superhero is moving. The cardboard box was the frame. The crank the piece you moved to move your superhero. The cam is the piece in the middle that drove movement, while the cam follower was bigger, on top and helped. The shaft is the skewer or stick. In addition to the basic model we had to make I added some hills to make it seem more realistic. Creating the automata was a very fun and I got to explore my engineering skills.
Multiplier: This week I was a mutant, to be more specific a creator, because I wanted to tried to do whatever I could to finish my portfolio while keeping a good quality.
immortal-jellyfish.com |
S&EP-Models: Going back and finishing up my superhero work that I hadn't earlier I ended up spending some time on my automata. We had many options on how we wanted our automatas to move. As for me I wanted my superhero to move side to side. You crank it from the back and as the cam moves so does the shaft. You attach a piece of cardboard to the tip of the shaft and glue a picture of your superhero onto it. This way your superhero is moving. The cardboard box was the frame. The crank the piece you moved to move your superhero. The cam is the piece in the middle that drove movement, while the cam follower was bigger, on top and helped. The shaft is the skewer or stick. In addition to the basic model we had to make I added some hills to make it seem more realistic. Creating the automata was a very fun and I got to explore my engineering skills.
XCC-Structure and Function: While looking at all the work I had completed for the superhero life science project I could see how the structure and function of my superhero and villain gave them the powers they had. For instance, my superhero had the same cells as the immortal jellyfish. The were like stem cells which means they could any cells allowing her to change her age when she pleased. Her origins story talks about how she got her powers from a GMO, or insertion of the immortal jellyfishes DNA into hers. On the other hand the villain systems had a normal mode like ours, but in the nefarious mode there were major differences giving him powers. The muscular system in a way that when morphing from the normal mode to the evil state his muscular cells began to regenerate rapidly giving him super strength. The circulatory system by having the veins and blood vessels intertwine and giving them support with muscle. For the nervous system the prefrontal cortex and temporal lobe shrink erasing his memories of being a super villain and allowing him to have no conscience. The respiratory system enlarging his lungs and airways that lead to them so that he has enough oxygen to stay alive while fighting. The structure and function of the superhero and villain helped shape their powers and themselves.
Multiplier: This week I was a mutant, to be more specific a creator, because I wanted to tried to do whatever I could to finish my portfolio while keeping a good quality.
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