Immune System Function: The function of the immune system is to keep your body safe from diseases, viruses, and bacteria that do enter the body. Organs: Thymus- The thymus teaches the T-cells during crucial childhood development. Bone Marrow- The bone marrow contains and produces many blood cells. Spleen- The spleen filters blood to keep bacteria away. Tonsils-The tonsils contain bacteria and germs. Lymph Nodes- Lymph nodes create lymphocytes which fight against bacteria before it goes back into your bloodstream. Skin-The skin protects your body from outside invaders, such as germs and viruses. Liver- The liver removes toxic chemicals. Interactions: The immune system takes care of every organ. By this I mean the immune system attacks any viruses that are going after any part of your body. It has a strong relationship with the circulatory system. The immune system has the job of removing chemicals and bacteria from the bloodstream. Keeping these germs out of your ci...