Charity Fair Project Reflection Blog
Image: I took this picture on my phone. Summary Briefly explain the project. Tell us what you learned, not what you did. One specific thing that I learned about was what was a carbon footprint. I had never heard that term before, but know I know what it is , how we reduced it, and why ours was reduced. A carbon footprint is how much carbon is produced by transporting an ite m from one place to another. All of our materials are manufactured inside the U.S.A., so it couldn't travel by ship and it would probably travel by train because all the products are in the same country, but not state. Freight trains emit less carbon dioxide because they can travel about 400 miles on a gallon of diesel while a truck would only travel around 150 miles on a gallon of diesel. Since a train consumes less gas than a truck while traveling the same distance the train would generate less carbon dioxide. Reducing your carbon footprint help...