Stars, Galaxies, & the Solar System: Weekly Blog 05/20/18
Image: AAS Nova Summary: Gravity is the universal force that holds our galaxy together. There are three kinds of galaxies, spiral, elliptical and irregular. A spiral galaxy has a twisting or winding shape, whereas elliptical galaxies look mostly like circles. As for irregular galaxies, they have indistinct shapes which is why they are recognized as irregular. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy in which the Earth is located in. Fun fact, elliptical galaxies mostly contain older stars. During nuclear fusion, four hydrogen atoms fuse into one helium atom, making hydrogen the most common chemical element in stars. You can see stars during nighttime because of the light they produce during nuclear fusion. The size of a star controls what happens to it for the rest of its life. Inside the Milky Way, the most common types of stars are main-sequence stars. Also, stars range in different temperatures, blue being the hottest and red being the coolest. S...