Xlyiano Project Blog (Sound): 04/22/18



Pitch is the highness or lowness of the sound created whereas volume is how loud or quiet a sound is. Frequency is how many 'cycles' of a wave occur in one second, the amplitude is how large a wave is from the middle to the crest and the wavelength is the measure from crest to crest. You can tell that the frequency of a wave is higher or lower based on how close together every single wave is. Pitch is related to frequency because the higher the frequency the higher the pitch is, and vice versa. With the different volumes, you can tell that the height of the waves differs, as well. The louder note has a higher amplitude, whereas the softer note has a lower amplitude.

Backward-Looking: What problems did you encounter while you were working on this piece? How did you solve them?

The major problem we encountered while working on this project would be tuning the instrument. Since my group and I used various materials as our bars, some thicker than others, each one produced a different sound when at the same length. This had proved to be an issue seeing as there was a gap between the wood and thinner bars because we had to accommodate for the thicker ones. Since there was no pressure the thinner bars were unable to be tuned. To work around this, we thought we could add a block under the metals to hold it in place, but used our better judgment and decided against it because that is where the sound resonates and amplifies.As we continued to work, we realized that we can add thin, metal pieces that can fill the gap between the wood and metal bars. By doing this, the sound still resonates and does not sound distorted.

Inward-Looking: Find another piece of work that you did at the beginning of the year to compare and contrast with this. what changes can you see? How did those changes come about?

Another piece of work I completed was the Roller Coaster Project, and like this one, it involved a lot of building and trial and error.  Something I noticed was on this project my group and I had goals going into each day or the next couple of days so we knew if we were on track, whereas on the previous project we just went on and were slapping on decorations at the last second. Although this may be true, I still think that our final project would've been better if we had better communication outside of school. On this project, unlike the last, one of my group members was missing for half the time. One of us should've filled her in before she came to school because then she would have had a better understanding of our instrument and the task at hand. Part of her being gone was that there were hardly any tasks we could assign her to, that she could complete. This meant that we spent more time than we would have liked helping her comprehend the project when we could have spent that time on memorizing lines. Overall, my group work had improved, but there are still some things I can improve upon.

Outward-Looking: What grade would you give it? Why?

If I were the teacher grading this assignment I would give it an A-. I would do this because our end result was good, but it could've been great. For example, my group members and I had hardly memorized our lines which forced us to read off the script for a majority of the time. Also, our instrument was a bit out of tune during our recording. Although this may be true, we completed everything on time,  had our instrument on turn in day, and had one of the most original instruments. Our instrument was based on a thumb piano but was created with materials found at home like rulers, saw blades, and garage clips. Altogether, there were things that made our project great and things that brought us down which is why I would've given our project an A-.

Forward-Looking: What's the one thing that you have seen in your classmates' work or process that you would like to try in your next piece?

Something that I have seen my other classmates do, that I would like to try on my following projects would be improved communication outside of school. I've seen classmates facetime outside f school so they can talk face to face even if they can't meet up. I feel like my groupmates and I should have done that, seeing as we had conflicting schedules. This would have helped us practice our presentation so it flowed nicely, and would have made it so that our instrument would have been tuned by the time we came to class on Monday. There is no denying that my group work has improved from the beginning of the year, but I think if I learn from my classmates "out of school" communication skills I can improve even more. 


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