Speeding Up... and slowing down.....and changing direction........ 1/28/18
Image: Khan Academy Summary: If you were walking down the street and turned right, did you accelerate? While most people would say no, change in direction is, in fact, a form of acceleration. Acceleration doesn't just mean increasing speed, it is change in velocity. The formula for acceleration is change in velocity divided by time and it is measured in units of distance units of time squared. An example of this would be 60 meters per second squared. Acceleration is a vector quantity because direction plays a factor in acceleration. (Vector quantities are measured as magnitude with direction.) Like mentioned before, people assume acceleration has an association with the term 'speeding up' although this is not the complete definition. Even slowing down is considered acceleration, although more often than not it is referred to as deceleration. S&EP-Using Mathematics: When people think of science, most people see lab work and experiments, but lately, through...