Design Your Own Species 10/29/17
Summary : My group and I were posed with the task of deigning a species that could not only survive, but thrive in Planet C. Planet C is a tropical environment with a flat terrain. It is predominantly rain forests that are moist and hot. There are many large pools of water or lakes in the rain forests where killer poisonous plants grow. The vegetation is comprised of an abundance of leaves, nuts, and fruits and some of the animals are carnivorous snakes, monkeys, fish, insects and birds. Our animal lives in the multitude of lakes in the rain forests and eats both plants and animals. It is in the middle of the food chain, eating fish, algae and seaweed and getting eaten by birds and carnivorous snakes. The fact that it is an omnivore allows the animal to survive longer. For example, if the fish dies off this animal can eat seaweed. The animal will still eventually die because the seaweed population will decrease, but the since it is an omnivore it will live longer. S&EP-Us...