Article Blog: Vaping Can Lead To Teen Smoking 5/21/17
Science News for Students Summary: With the rates of young people using e-cigarettes climbing, people are beginning to discuss the downs of vaping. Some say that e-cigarettes may be the healthy alternative compared to a regular cigarette because they do not contain tobacco, but an e-cigarette can be just as harmful. E-cigarettes contains nicotine, found in regular cigarettes, which creates the habit of regular smoking. In addition to this, nicotine is harmful to developing brains which is why no young people should be using e-cigarettes. Along with nicotine, there are other harmful components that go into making an e-cigarette. The flavorings of e-cigarettes may sound kid friendly, but they release chemicals that can irritate your lungs. Citation: Rosen, Meghan, and Janet Raloff. "Vaping Can Lead to Teen Smoking, New Study Finds."Science News for Students. N.p., 12 July 2016. Web. 19 May 2017. <