
Showing posts from September, 2015

Weekly Blog- 9/28

Image- Summary- Using the information on the earth's layers from last week I made my "earth's layers foldable" . The foldable showed Earth's layers as you get deeper and deeper into earth's interior; crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. Each layer had information on the composition, State of matter, and thickness of the layer: (Crust- 5-100 km thick, made up mostly of silicon and oxygen in the form of granite and basaltic rocks, and it is a solid. Mantle- 2900 km thick, made up of hot semisolid silicate rocks rich in iron nickel and magnesium, and it is a semisolid Outer Core- 2200 km thick, made up of liquified iron and nickel, and it is a liquid Inner Core- (diameter) 2456 km, made up of iron and nickel, and it is a solid) Making a model to represent earth's layers made the concept easier to understand. As we finished our models, the new topic was the continental drift. Alfred Wagner believed that at some ...

Weekly Blog- 9/21

Image: Summary: Going over rocks brought back information from last years unit.Reviewing the rock cycle lead to learning about Earth's layers. The two types of Earth's layers are composition and physical. There are four composition layers of the Earth; Crust, Mantle, Outer and Inner Core. The physical layers of the Earth are Lithosphere (rock sphere), Asthenosphere (weak sphere), Mesosphere (middle sphere), Outer Core and Inner Core. This lesson made me really excited to make a model because Earth's layers (composition and physical) are very interesting. SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions- I constructed an explanation of the rock cycle when I made my rock cycle cartoon. I constructed an explanation of the rock cycle by creating a cartoon in the perspective of a rock. The rock changed forms as it moved from place to place.

Scientific Method Project Reflection Blog

1. Look at the blog rubric on the board. How well did you meet the expectations? I think I met all the expectations and did well on this project because when I check my project against the rubric I got all fives. 2.What did you do well? I think I did well on the drawing and coloring because I really took my time and was creative. I especially took my time on the drawing of the girl because I'm not that great at drawing people. 3. What could you have done better? I could have wrote the title a bit differently because a few people had trouble reading it. I could have typed it or written without writing it double. It would have made it easier for my classmates and more. 4. How doing this project help you in the future? I think this project will help me in the future. I think it will help me when we are doing experiments and testing our hypothesis. This project will help me go through the experiment using the scientific method. I think this project will really help me in the futur...

Weekly Blog 9/14-Scientific Method

Image: I took picture this on my phone. Summary: The continuation of working on our scientific method cartoons lead to the finishing of them. Drawing, coloring, writing captions, and gluing helped me better understand the process of the scientific method. My scientific method cartoon described someone going through the steps of the scientific method to test a question she had. A gallery walk allowed me to take my time and view my classmates work. I felt like showing the scientific method in a cartoon form was a fun way to be artistic and learn at the same time. SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions: I evaluate information and form hypotheses. I evaluated information that I knew about bananas floating in water to create a hypothesis for my character.I wanted my character's hypothesis not to be supported by the data, so I evaluated my previous knowledge to make my cartoon accurate.

Weekly Blog 9/4-Scientific Method

Image- I took this picture on my phone. Summary-  The experiments we created by ourselves were tested. The data we collected from the experiment was then shared in an interview format.Not only did I share my results, but I got to hear a few of my classmates results. We were asked to make a scientific cartoon that showcased how to carry out an experiment using the scientific method.I thought the idea of a cartoon was a nice way to show our knowledge of the scientific method steps. SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data- I use tables, graphs, spreadsheets, etc. to display and analyze data. I used a table/spreadsheet to display my data of "How powerful is your sense of touch?".I personally felt that the table kept everything organized and made specific data easy to find.